Sunday, March 4, 2018

How sad we are

We had our TDoR a couple of  months ago in Calgary, and I felt that it was tainted by the attitude of a select few people.  I just read about a TDoR event in San Diego that had much the same issue.

The issue is one of police.  Apparantly, some people aren't comfortable with police presence at these events.  I think those same people need to get their heads out of their rear ends.

We are arguably one of the most marginalised groups out there.  We fight for our rights, talk about the injustices done to us, and complain about the lack of protection for us.  Some of us even get hurt or killed because of who we are.  "The Public" doesn't like us.

So what do we do?  We have people in our groups that have no problem doing the same to others.  Lets whitewash a whole career choice because we don't like the things done by a few of their members.  The fastest way to lose support for your cause is to become that which the cause is supposed to hate.  So I'll thank you in advance to shut up.

I'm enthralled that we had a police presence at our TDoR.  I think it's awesome that we have the support of our law enforcement community.  The last thing I want to do is alienate some group that I may need to help me some day.  These folks may some day be needed to help recover my car, find my assaulter, or investigate my disappearance.  I - and I want to hope I'm not alone - want to know that they're going to care enough to actually put some effort into it.

So thank you for coming.  Thank you for listening, Thank you for understanding.  And most of all, thank you for being supportive of us.